Newborn Registration, Birth Certificate and Visa Process

getting passport, visa and emirates id for newborn in uae

Having new baby is blessing from the
Almighty and off course nobody wants to turn the blessings of newborn baby into problems by delaying the legal
process of new baby registration, in this guide we are covering following
things for newborn babies in UAE:

1.     Registration of Newborn Baby
2.     Getting a Birth Certificate
3.     Getting New Passport
4.     Getting Residence Visa
5.     Getting Emirates ID

Step 1: How to Register Child Birth in

Once the baby is born, the hospital
your baby is delivered in will provide you a stamped and signed birth
notification which is also known as the notification of birth certificate. This
certificate should be attested by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and can be in English or Arabic language.

Step 2: How to get Birth Certificate:

Parents of new baby have maximum
period of one month (30 days) to register their child’s birth in UAE, to get
birth certificate you need to apply online or submit below require documents to
Ministry of Health and Prevention, please note that if the parents are from
different countries (nationality), the baby will adapt the nationality of

Birth Certificate Registration and
Issuance Links:

Request birth certificate online – MoHP
Birth certificate in Abu Dhabi – HAAD
Register child’s birth in Dubai –

Required Documents:

Attested and
translated marriage certificate
Parents original
passport and copy
Parents valid
residence visa and copy
Copy of Emirates
ID with the original
Stamped Birth
notification from hospital
Discharge summary
from the hospital

Useful Points:

Residents must get birth certificate
of their newborn baby attested by
Ministry of
Health and Prevention
and Ministry
of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation

Birth certificate stamped by Dubai Health Authority (DHA)
or Department of Health Abu Dhabi (
are equivalent to the seal of the Ministry of Health and Prevention, once you
get the birth certificate, check it as certificate must contain the given name
of newborn baby, date of birth, place of birth, parent’s name, nationality and

If the father is not available an official power of attorney is required from
the father or the father’s signature on the application for the birth
certificate is required.

Birth Certificate Fee:

birth certificate 50 AED
birth certificate 50 AED
fee (MOH) 20 AED
fee (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) AED 150
card AED 110
certificate translation fee 15 AED
Step 3: How to get Passport for
Newborn in UAE:

Before proceeding the visa process you
should get baby passport, to get new passport for your newly born baby, you
need to visit your embassy in UAE or you can apply online or get information
regarding passport for newborn in UAE through embassy websites, below are the
links of consulates or embassies of expats living in UAE.
Step 4: How to get Residence visa for

have 120 days (4 months) starting date of birth to arrange and complete the
required formal documents such as birth certificate, passport, visa and
Emirates ID of their new baby.
you have received the original birth certificate, visit any TASHEEL, registered
typing center or directly the General directorate of Residency and Foreign
Affairs with below set of required documents in-order to apply for residence

visa requirements for newborn are:

1.     Online residency application or do it through
typing offices
2.     Parents passport copies with original
3.     Parents valid visa copies
4.     Parents valid Emirate ID card with
5.     Photo of newborn baby with open eyes
6.     Copy of parent(s) employment contract
7.     Salary certificate stating monthly
8.     Attested marriage certificate
9.     Tenancy contract
10. Health Insurance
11. Paid utility bill
Fine for delay:

If residence visa for newborn is not
finalized within 4 months of time (120 days maximum), then the fine of 100 AED
per day
would be charged for each day over the 120 day period, note that baby
will not be allowed to exit the UAE until the completion of residence visa.

Final Step: Getting Emirates ID for

Once you have applied for the
residence visa, wait for the approval from ministry, after approval visit your
nearest Emirates ID Authority and open new ID application for your newly born

The requirements to apply for Emirates
ID are:

1.     Parent’s passports
2.     Parent’s valid visas
3.     Emirates ID’s
4.     Attested birth certificate of newborn

 Tips for Parents:

For delivery in
Public hospitals, you must have valid health card.

If you are
pregnant but unmarried, you are doing crime.

During whole
registration process, carry your marriage certificate and original passports
with you.

You have 30 days
only to register your child’s birth.

You have 120 days
to complete whole process.
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