How to get Part Time work Permit in UAE

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Part time work in UAE is everybody-wish as it
helps residents to earn some extra cash to fight the burden of expenses and to save some
money for upcoming hard days. If you are looking for the information about how
to work part time in UAE
, this guide will help you.

Part Time Work New Rules in UAE:

As per MOHRE new rules, companies in the UAE can now hire employees (workers) on part-time
contracts from both inside and outside the UAE.

Yes it is true; a new system implemented by MOHRE
(the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation) previously known as
Ministry of Labour (MOL) allows employees – both Emiratis and foreign workers –
to work for more than one employer (company) without having to obtain an
approval from their primary employer (first employer).
The move is in implementation of a resolution
issued by Nasser bin Thani Al Hamli, Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation.
Al Hamli said the new system would promote flexibility in the labour market and
fulfil the needs of employers “based on the availability of employees in
the labour market” It would also “reduce dependence on foreign
workers”, he added. He pointed out that the part-time contracts would
reduce labour costs, especially when it comes to employees who are already in
the country.

How to start working Part time in UAE:

If you think you have extra time to work as a
part time employee in UAE, all you need to do is acquire a permit from the
ministry through TASHEEL centre or by visiting the MOHRE offices.

Is First Employer Approval (NOC) is must:

Earlier it was mandatory to get NOC (no
objection certificate) from employer but as per new system that stated “both Emiratis and foreign workers can work for more
than one employer without having to obtain an approval from their primary

The new labour law allows you to have a part-time job at another establishment in addition to your main job. According to the part-time contract system, you are allowed to have a 2nd job without your primary employer’s approval after receiving a temporary work permit from #MOHRE.

— MOHRE_UAE وزارة الموارد البشرية والتوطين (@MOHRE_UAE) January 5, 2022

Require Documents to get Part time work Permit:

1.     Valid Passport copy
2.     Visa copy
3.     Passport size photos
4.     Emirates ID copy or labour card/labour contract copy.
5.     Establishment card for both companies
(if applicable).

Part-time contract fees:

The primary employer  may pay from 150 – 2000 AED (depends up to profession) for the part time
work permit whereas the secondary employer will just pay 100 AED which is the government
fee for issuing part time permits.
Who can apply for Part Time Jobs in UAE?
Part-time work permit shall be issued to the
following categories/professions:
1.     Employees with valid visa and Emirates
2.     Students over 18 years of age.
3.     Government and free zone employees.
4.     People who meets the conditions to be
granted work permit based on the residencies of their families.
Requirements for Technical Professions:
The contracts are aimed at highly specialized
professions requiring sophisticated scientific, technical and administrative
skill-sets with a minimum qualification requirement of a university degree.
Al Hamli said technical professions requiring
“intellectually demanding, scientific, technical, supervisory and
practical skill-sets must meet qualification requirements of two- or three-year
post-secondary institutional training”.

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Important Points:

contract workers [defined as those who work less than eight hours a day] must
be given a minimum of one day off per week. Non-competitor clauses do not apply
to such employees even if the employer claims conflict of interest related to
divulging trade secrets, unless a court issues an order to this effect.
Visit or Tourist
visa holders cannot apply or work part time in UAE.
Residents over 65
years of age cannot get part time work permit.
The new part time
resolution obliges workers to perform their duties according to UAE labour law
regulations applied by the ministry of labour, except for the number of working
Primary employers
are responsible for annual leaves, gratuity, and other financial obligations in
proportion to the number of actual working hours and wages stipulated in the signed
labour contract.
The part-time
contract cannot be changed into a full-time contract unless it is terminated.

Part time work
permits will be valid for 6 months to 1 year.
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